Zeena returns home from her visit to the new doctor in Bettsbridge. She goes right up to her bedroom without a word to anybody. When Ethan goes up to check on her, she tells him "I'm a great deal sicker than you think" (Ethan Frome 53). At this moment Ethan is torn between hoping that his wife really is more sick than he thought, so he could be rid of her, and between sympathising with her. He choses to show her compassion, and tells her to take it easy. Zeena then tells Ethan that she hired a girl to help out around the house, because Mattie just wasn't doing a good enough job. Ethan then becomes furious, and the two have a shouting match in their bedroom. When Ethan leaves Zeena and goes downstairs for dinner, he kisses Mattie an dtells her that he will never let her go. But when Zeena comes down for dinner she stumbles across her prized broken pickle bowl. Mattie fesses up that she got the bowl out to make the dinner table pretty last night, and Zeena is furious. After this Mattie stay is quite out of the question.
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