The story fast-forwards three years, Edgar and Catheirne have been happily married and living at Thrushcross Grange along with Nelly and Edgar's sister Isabella. Then one day, to everyones surprise, Heathcliff returns. No one knows what he has been up to for the past three years, but he has acquired a great deal of money and dresses like a gentleman, Catherine is delighted by Heathcliff's return, she is the only one. Heathcliff returned with his motives being to see Catherine again, and to settle his score with Hindley. Heathcliff runs Hindley practically bankrupt with gambling, and is slowing beginning to dismantle his house from the inside out, by taking charge of the servents and turning Hindley's son Hareton agaisnt his own father.
During all of Heathcliff's visits to the Grange Isabella Linton begins to fall in love with him, believing him to be sensative and sweet under his rough exterior. When Catherine discovers her sister-in-laws infatuation, she can't believe it, and harshly tries to set her straight by painting a very accurate, very dark picture of who Heathcliff really is.
Heathcliff decides to take advantage of Isabella's crush on him to get to her brothers money (Isabella's inheiritance) and to make Catherine jelous. When Heathcliff and Isabella kiss all hell breaks loose. Catherine is jelous and Edgar is infuriated; there is a huge fight resulting in Heathcliff being banned from Thrushcross Grange, and Catherine throwing a tempertantrum which causes her to blackout, and develop a fever and become delirious.
During all of Heathcliff's visits to the Grange Isabella Linton begins to fall in love with him, believing him to be sensative and sweet under his rough exterior. When Catherine discovers her sister-in-laws infatuation, she can't believe it, and harshly tries to set her straight by painting a very accurate, very dark picture of who Heathcliff really is.
Heathcliff decides to take advantage of Isabella's crush on him to get to her brothers money (Isabella's inheiritance) and to make Catherine jelous. When Heathcliff and Isabella kiss all hell breaks loose. Catherine is jelous and Edgar is infuriated; there is a huge fight resulting in Heathcliff being banned from Thrushcross Grange, and Catherine throwing a tempertantrum which causes her to blackout, and develop a fever and become delirious.
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