Emily Jane Bronte was born on July 30, 1818 in Yorkshire England to Patrick and Maria Branwell Bronte. Mr. Bronte was a clergyman, and when he was offered a lifetime post as curate he moved his family of eight to Haworth. Haworth Yorkshire became the setting for many of Emily's poems as well as her famed (and only) novel Wuthering Heights. Emily Bronte was the second youngest child of six; Maria, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Patrick Branwell (simply referred to as Branwell), Emily, and Anne. When Emily was three years old her mother died of cancer, and their aunt Elizabeth (their mother's sister) came to raise the Bronte children. Shortly after their mother's death the four oldest girls were sent to bording school. However while at the Clergy Daughter's school at Cowan Bridge, Maria and Elizabeth contracted tuberculosis and died within months of each other. Charlotte and Emily returned home. While at home the children amused themselves by playing out on the moors, and playing with a collection of toy soldiers that their aunt had given them. These toy soldiers were a greta source of inspiration for the creative children, who came up with their own fantasy worlds and charachters to go along with it. Emily and Anne's fantasy world was called "Gondel" and it was the inspiration for many of Emily's poems.
The sisters were accomplished writers (especially for not having much education) and they frequently wrote stories to share with each other. The sisters had comprised a folder of poems which they had published under the false names of Currer (Charlotte), Ellis (Emily), and Acton (Anne) Bell (Bronte). The reason the girls chose false names (that sounded masculine) was because they feared that their literature would not be published if it was know that the authors were women. Soon the sisters had each written a novel. Charlotte was the author of Jane Erye, Emily of Wuthering Heights, and Anne of Agnes Grey. When Wutheirng Heights was first published in 1847 it was published under the name of Ellis Bell. The book however did not become popular until it's second publication in 1850, after Emily's death on December 19, 1848. During the second publication of Wuthering Heights, Charlotte Bronte went through and edited some of the novel, in an attept to make it easier for readers to comprehend. She also changed the name of the auther back to Emily Bronte, to give her sister the recognition she deserved.
Emily Bronte's life is shrouded in mystery, as some historians or experts would say. We don't know alot about her life. She wasn't a very open person, even to those who were closest to her. Her sister Charlotte reflected in a memoir "My sister Emily was not a person of demonstrative charachter nor one, on the recesses of whose mind and feelings even those nearest and dearest to her could, with impunity, intrude unlicensed". Emily Bronte lived a secluded, and some think dark life. She traveled very little, because when she did she gre wterribly homesick. She was never happier than when she was at home on the moors of Haworth.
Work Cited
Bronte, Emily J. Wuthering Heights; The World of Emily Bronte and Wutheirng Heights. T.C
Newby, 1847. Print
Merriman, C.D. "Emily Bronte - Biography and works." The Literature Network: Online Classic
Literature, Poems, and Quotes. Essays and Summaries. Jalic Inc., 2007. Web. 20 Aug. 2010
The sisters were accomplished writers (especially for not having much education) and they frequently wrote stories to share with each other. The sisters had comprised a folder of poems which they had published under the false names of Currer (Charlotte), Ellis (Emily), and Acton (Anne) Bell (Bronte). The reason the girls chose false names (that sounded masculine) was because they feared that their literature would not be published if it was know that the authors were women. Soon the sisters had each written a novel. Charlotte was the author of Jane Erye, Emily of Wuthering Heights, and Anne of Agnes Grey. When Wutheirng Heights was first published in 1847 it was published under the name of Ellis Bell. The book however did not become popular until it's second publication in 1850, after Emily's death on December 19, 1848. During the second publication of Wuthering Heights, Charlotte Bronte went through and edited some of the novel, in an attept to make it easier for readers to comprehend. She also changed the name of the auther back to Emily Bronte, to give her sister the recognition she deserved.
Emily Bronte's life is shrouded in mystery, as some historians or experts would say. We don't know alot about her life. She wasn't a very open person, even to those who were closest to her. Her sister Charlotte reflected in a memoir "My sister Emily was not a person of demonstrative charachter nor one, on the recesses of whose mind and feelings even those nearest and dearest to her could, with impunity, intrude unlicensed". Emily Bronte lived a secluded, and some think dark life. She traveled very little, because when she did she gre wterribly homesick. She was never happier than when she was at home on the moors of Haworth.
Work Cited
Bronte, Emily J. Wuthering Heights; The World of Emily Bronte and Wutheirng Heights. T.C
Newby, 1847. Print
Merriman, C.D. "Emily Bronte - Biography and works." The Literature Network: Online Classic
Literature, Poems, and Quotes. Essays and Summaries. Jalic Inc., 2007. Web. 20 Aug. 2010
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