Thursday, August 19, 2010

Chapters 14-17:

Hetahcliff grows more and more worried about Catherine's illness, and he persudaes Nelly to let him see her. One day, when Edgar was at church, Nelly permits Heathcliff inside the house to see Catherine, however she is not strong enough, and so after their passionate farewells, Catherine Linton delivers her only child, Catherine Linton II, two months early. Then Catherine (senior) dies. Heathcliff is devastated by the news of her death, as is Edgar. After her death (and before the funeral) Catherine's body is kept in the drawing room, where Edgar spends his days, and Heathcliff spends his nights. Before Catherine's funeral, Heathcliff visits her body one last time. Catherine used to wear a locket which held a lock of Edgar's hair. Heathcliff empties the locket, and replaces it with a lock of his own hair. The next day Nelly discovers the disgarded strand of Edgar's hair, and she takes the two locks from Edgar and Heathcliff's heads, and twists them together and places them both in Catherine's locket. I like this part of the book because it is very symbolic of the love triangle preasent in this book.

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